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1-12 of 58 products

  • $18.00

    … and Beefheart Saved Craig by Jefferson Hansen

    This book comes at readers from all angles, literally, with its energetic mix of innovative narrative, informed cultural criticism, and good old-fashioned character development about life among the drinking classes. Hansen's absolutely contemporary questioning of individual identity spins out through a story about some ordinary and ornery people whose mundane lives are paradoxically compelling and often shocking. —Mark Wallace
  • $16.00

    3 by Doris Shapiro

    These striking stories portray cycles of the human condition recognizable to us all.  Here we look at the ending of life in the ending of a life.   In another we see the brilliant self-deception we employ to avoid unwanted change.   The third celebrates the possibilities and satisfactions of friendship.   The stories, powerful on their own, together offer emotional pleasures that linger.
  • $16.00

    A Field Guide to the Rehearsal by Dennis Barone

    , ,
    Dennis Barone’s A Field Guide to the Rehearsal is a most unique book, an open-form, subtly off-beat narrative, a mixture of poetry and prose, of memory and concrete, image-filled metaphysics. —David Cappella
  • $22.00

    Alice Through the Working Class by Steve McCaffery, illustrations by Clelia Scala

    , ,
    McCaffery, with his customary linguistic wit, now takes [Alice] through the working-class, into the industrial revolution, where Mary Wollestonecraft is the Red Queen, and the Soviet workers’ paradise, where Lenin is the Lion and the Unicorn is Trotsky. And, horribile dictu, it works. Don’t miss the Bolshevik Jabberwocky.—Jean-Jacques Lecercle,
  • $18.00

    Anhedonia by Patrick Chapman

    These nine stories of love and its opposite, blend darkness, humor and a refreshing emotional openness. Briskly written and told with a winning humanity, Anhedonia is a fine collection from one of Ireland’s most exciting writers.
  • $16.00

    Art Fraud by Jeffrey Schrader

    One could say of Art Fraud that it is typing, not writing. And one would miss the point. Jeffrey Schrader, typist extraordinaire, delves into the all too frequent absurdity that results when art meets commerce. The result is pure slapstick. — Juliana Spahr
  • $18.00

    Bliss Inc. by Ron Burch

    In a city that is a dream, or a frontier, or a dystopia, Nel Lowry is our pilgrim whose progress is a search for Bliss, which is a company and the promise of a lifetime position in a place that might have appeared in Kafka's Amerika. —Toby Olson
  • $16.00

    BYSTANDER An Irreality by mIEKAL aND

    What would happen if words, disguised as characters Balboa Pettibone and She-singer, could hallucinate and time travel? mIEKAL aND, one of our most intrepid verbal explorers, takes us into the world of genre fiction and sets it spinning into an “irreality” as iridescent as myth clothed in neon language. —Maria Damon
  • $16.00

    Chant by Richard Henry

    Successful formal experiments, especially those relying on Oulipian restraints and combinatorics, might demand a certain degree of skill and patience, but so what?   They remain “beyond aesthetic value,” as Raymond Queneau said – a mere demonstration of intellectual gymnastics. —Matt Short
  • $16.00

    Che. by Peter Money

    "epic"— Christian Peet (Tarpaulin Sky, Big American Trip)
  • $16.00

    Cruelty by Jefferson Hansen

    In Jefferson Hansen’s collection of short stories, Cruelty, his assorted strange and confused characters are much like the people who pass through my life any day, only with a more pronounced and interesting strangeness. —Mary Kasimor
  • $16.00

    Deco by J.J. Colagrande

    Decò begins his journey in South Beach. He's a writer armed with "multiple graduate degrees" living a glorified condo-life off of "$400,000 in student loan debt." Life is great with his "super-hot model girlfriend" until the real estate market crashes and he quickly loses it all. Forced to move to the art haven of Wynwood, Decò seeks the success he has always felt he was owed.