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Showing 493–504 of 504 results


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493-504 of 504 products

  • $16.00

    What She Knows by Marcia Roberts

    By assembling these fragments into a whole, the poet Marcia Roberts has saved telling moments from a lifetime's experience; and having done so with care, now generously shares them. —Tom Clark
  • $16.00

    Whatever Speaks on Behalf of Hashish by Anis Shivani

    “Both arresting and inventive, Anis Shivani’s new poems reveal a rich sense of wonder at this complex thing we call humanity. Smart, unflinching, and relevant—this book demands rereading.” — Ryan G. Van Cleave
  • $16.00

    When I Said Goodbye By Didi Menendez

    "Sexy, involved, intense, hilarious, hip, weird, intelligent, witchy wild in a way one thinks of female owls, maybe with embers of fire under their wings, such wide eyesight: This Is A Damn Good Book!" —ron androla
  • $16.00

    Where a road had been by Matthew Shears

    Writing in the dark, in the desert of the real, Matt Shears explores profound and necessary possibilities.  Shears moves with extraordinary grace through critique and meditation.  Few poets these days are writing poetry this brave.  This is a wonderful book.  This is a brilliant poet. —Joseph Lease

  • $16.00

    Window On The City by Michael Ruby

    “Unreal City,” intones Mr. Eliot in his “The Waste Land,” bracketed by “One must be so careful these days” and “Under the brown fog of a winter dawn…. ” Ruby writes “velocity,” athwart “toodle to tabasco” and “orange sunshine.” What’s cold and taut in Eliot—strained—is hot and loose in Window on the City. —Sam Truitt
  • $18.00

    within sky by Marcia Arrieta

    There is a great sense of serenity and peace in Marcia Arrieta’s poems, although we can feel, sense, and absorb the rough and disquieting textures of the world she offers. —Andrea Moorhead
  • $16.00

    Women and Ghosts by Kristina Marie Darling

    Women and Ghosts is a book for the brokenhearted: "Iced over with sadness," its speaker says (or doesn't), "I can no longer speak." In ghost text stricken from the record, she also says (or doesn't): "I wonder how someone else's life can seem so much my own." She means Desdemona's. Ophelia's. Juliet's. Cleopatra's. Lavinia's. But when I read these words, I think: not theirs, hers — I wonder how her life can seem so much my own. I love this book. I honor it. I cherish it. I lose myself in its tragedies, in the absences and silences of women's lives and I feel less desperate, less anxious, less alone. —Molly Gaudry
  • $16.00

    Xo – A Tale For The New Atlantis by André Spears

    When I first read Xo: A Tale for the New Atlantis, it just blew my socks off—Homer's cadence and epic sweep, hallucinatory Phil Dickian channelings, hysterically funny post-Pynchonesque deconstructions of American materialism ... —J.P. Harpignies
  • $16.00

    Your Wilderness & Mine by David Highsmith

    David Highsmith is the proprietor of Books & Bookshelves in San Francisco.
  • $16.00

    Zero Summer by Andrew Demcak

    "ZERO SUMMER's skinny, sticky, cock-swaggering poems take 'bloody comfort' in Andrew Demcak's lubricated, literary longing, the bourbon 'sweet / with unimagined grief,' the very words 'laboring / over / the soup-bones of literature.'  This is a book that will get under your fingernails." —Randall Mann
  • $16.00

    Zero’s Blooming Excursion by Jared Schickling

    Reading Zero’s Blooming Excursion is like hovering above one’s own body while living; it’s unsettling ecstasy.  Read this book and you’ll “find yourself next to yourself.” —Sasha Steensen
  • $16.00

    “now, 1/3” and thepoem by Demosthenes Agrafiotis | Translated by John Sakkis and Angelos Sakkis

    "A book of temporally organized form that renounces time, that disassembles form. Demosthenes Agrafiotis' poetry argues, chafes, bristles, and unrelentingly chomps at the bit of its own constraint, as well as at every other human construct, linguistic or otherwise, that might serve as a convenient container for consciousness. ""now, 1/3"" is an extraction of sand from the hourglass… as if the sand weren't free to begin with. —Harold Abramowitz