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Showing 37–48 of 63 results


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37-48 of 63 products

  • $16.00

    Metamerican by Seth Abramson

    America has been awaiting the arrival of a poet like this for a generation. —Barn Owl Review
  • $16.00

    Mind Over Matter by Gloria Frym

    How does the present imprint itself on language, on poetry? Gloria Frym's Mind Over Matter shows us that: the outlines of the endless wars, the credit default swaps. But it also shows poetry resisting this. "No poem/would stand for such a line." Frym writes. "A poem is not a fool." This book makes me want to cheer. —Rae Armantrout
  • $22.00


    Morpheus has its origins in a novel John Kinsella worked on in his late teens — a time of transition between adolescence and adulthood, but not a time before he had at least glimpsed the contours of the vast, interconnecting literary project that was to be his lifelong pursuit. An amalgam of realism and fantasy, of fiction, poetry, and drama, the project limned the phantasmagoric yet self-questioning and disciplined emotional terrain that has so captivated and intrigued his many current readers worldwide.
  • $16.00

    Nine by Anne Tardos

    Anne Tardos, whose poetry & performances have enlightened us for several decades now, emerges in Nines as an innovator of new forms as a vehicle for work that incorporates, like all great poetry, the fullest range of thoughts & experiences & makes them stick in mind & memory. I am struck, as rarely happens, by this combination of form & content, each a powerful extension of the other. —Jerome Rothenberg
  • $16.00

    No Dimes for the Dancing Gypsies by Linda King

    In No Dimes for the Dancing Gypsies, Linda King masterfully orchestrates an intriguing & mesmerizing work of identity and survival. These are poems of inquiry, poems of resurrection, where “water has a memory” and language reveals “other dichotomies,” where the past and present merge, and language beautifully triumphs. —Marcia Arrieta  
  • $16.00

    Notes on a Past Life by David Trinidad

    In Notes on a Past Life, David Trinidad exorcises the ghosts of New York with a compulsively readable, wrenching memoir in verse. His “Goodbye to All That” offers a critique of ambition, an ode to community, and a sip of the poison that poetry is, in the end, the antidote to. —Eula Biss
  • $16.00

    PERSONAL EFFECTS by Ted Pearson

    Time travels aphoristically in short hops, seen from long distance, with words as object lessons, in Ted Pearson’s refulgent work. “These annotations mean the world” in the most personal and impersonal sense. But the “eternal present” affords scant comfort, as quatrains slant away or sentences shimmer over the depth of existence. —Alan Bernheimer
  • $16.00

    Poetic Architecture by Kent Johnson

    ...In other words, and at the risk of sounding extreme, I strongly encourage readers to ignore this ridiculous piece of attention-seeking dilettantish drivel. Now, let's get on with the real work. —Kenneth Goldsmith
  • $16.00

    Poetic Realism by Rachel Blau DuPlessis

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    Poetic Realism by Rachel Blau DuPlessis is the fourth episode of the on-going work Traces, with Days. It is both a committed poetry looking out at the world in witness, resistance, and with a fervent vow to find “incantatory information” in an account of what is seen, felt, and thought.
  • $16.00

    Quinn’s Passage by Kazim Ali

    "The will to be transformed away from the senses via the senses is a sensualist's mission. It is Quinn's desire, as it is the desire of the gods. The reader will see that such a desire infuses language with a passion for breathing and utterance equally." —Fanny Howe
  • $16.00

    Robert Creeley on the Poet’s Work in conversation with & photographs by Bruce Jackson

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    This is an edited transcript of a conversation about the work poets do that Robert Creeley and Bruce Jackson held in Robert Creeley’s home—a converted firehouse in Buffalo’s Black Rock district— the morning of September 6, 2001.
  • $18.00

    Selected Prose of Bobbie Louise Hawkins Edited by Barbara Henning

    Bobbie Louise Hawkins is a remarkable master of the witty understated prose sentence and writes in the lineage of Barbara Pym and Jane Bowles; she is also a fabulous storyteller with a great ear for the "very thing": quip or bon mot. —Anne Waldman