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George Tysh


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3 products

  • $18.00

    26 Tears by George Tysh / Chris Tysh

    What an abracadabra of abecedarian magic is 26 Tears! Evoking the Aramaic avra kehdabra, "I will create as I speak," this collaborative incantation weaves a magical spell of language. Two poets riff in alphabetical measure with illuminating literary texts, an epidemic, and a quotidian of political angst. — Maureen Owen
  • $16.00

    A Thousand Words and Others by George Tysh

    George Tysh's two-part take on presence and absence is rooted in jazz and painting, French and Mandarin, memory and longing, in a recto-verso approach to structure. Its first bareboned section, "A Thousand Words," is 100 pages, ten words per page, set in columns that give a nod to classical stanza form. Part Two, "and Others," a coda of sparse lyrics, fills out the tone of what is barely implied in Part One. In a mixture of vernacular and stark poetics, he produces a book-length series that experimental novelist Lynn Crawford calls, "Lush. Rhythmic. Disturbing. Gorgeous."
  • $16.00

    The Slip by George Tysh

    His engagement with the variable foot of William Carlos Williams gives a new spring and all to George Tysh’s remarkable collection The Slip. For much of the book, especially the haunting title poem, an isolated phrase appears, then the next descends, and then another, each open space miming the way breath appears in human speech, as an aid to understanding and an absolute electric charge—at times one of volcanic intensity. —Kevin Killian