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H. L. Hix


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2 products

  • $22.00

    American Outrage by H. L. Hix


    American Outrage provides an innovative approach to the seemingly intractable problem of gun violence in the United States. Fresh and moving, yet cerebral and somber. At a time when powerful voices are most needed, H. L. Hix has answered the call.  — Louis Klarevas

  • $18.00

    Say It Into My Mouth by H. L. Hix

    What makes H. L. Hix’s book unique is that its set of very personal, indeed autobiographical poems turn out, paradoxically enough, to be composed almost entirely of quoted text. How does a poet perform this feat? ... Every aphorism or question provokes a further question or response, often familiar on its own, but transformed by its context. The resulting lyric conceptualism or conceptualist lyric — take your pick! — is as thought-provoking as it original and charming. — Marjorie Perloff