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Jared Schickling


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13 products

  • $18.00

    A Lyrebird, Selected Poems of Michael Farrell by Michael Farrell; Editor Jared Schickling

    Enter A Lyrebird and you open onto a polyphony of slang and nuance. Expect a humorous disorientation and deep travel through undersides of all that can be said and borrowed. Just in time, since mono-culture cannot know itself, Michael Farrell’s deft bravery transmutes English and gives us journeys out. —Sarah Riggs
  • $16.00

    atboalgfpopasasbifl: Irritations, Excrement & Wipes by Jared Schickling

    Jared Schickling’s latest collection—comprised of hybrid genre prose, footnotes, erasures, and struck-through lines of verse—engages compelling questions about the relationship between literary criticism and artistic practice: Is it possible for creative and critical discourses to coexist within the same rhetorical space? Can the literary arts facilitate unique—and even revolutionary—contributions to theoretical conversations? To what extent is every poem an act of deconstruction, a revision of the writing that came before one’s own? —Kristina Marie Darling
  • $15.00

    Aurora by Jared Schickling

    This book is part of our moblis in mobli series, a free ebook with a printed books that is for sale from us as well as
  • $20.00

    For Love by Jared Schickling

    Jared Schickling makes no bones about his intent. Cribbing the title of one of the more famous books of poetry in the late twentieth century, Robert Creeley’s For Love, Schickling reorients it with the subtitle, (the order of the echoes), and sets out to rewrite love in a context where the lover becomes “the grape of my obscene lip.” —Michael Boughn
  • $16.00

    Guides, Translators, Assistants, Porters a polyvocal American epic minus the details by Jared Schickling

    …nation…limning…common ground…sought…thwarted…sought again… (ES) …imagination expansive…elemental…construction…without end… (MB)
  • $16.00

    O by Jared Schickling

    Jared Schickling, the Poetry of the imagination expansive, no master, not forms that restrict, not the commercialism of print.   Not the Government of Poetry, with this an anarchistic being is where all might of the elemental as a construction without end with wisdom and magic, behold begins a future —Michael Basinski
  • $16.00

    Province of Numb Errs by Jared Schickling

    Jared Schickling’s Province of Numb Errs is a quirky, sincere and often funny homage to the long arms of his Catholic upbringing. Less dour than Stephen Daedalus and the other cohorts of Joyce’s imagination, the narrators in these poems gleefully yoke together Biblical clichés and homespun homilies, xenophobic injunctions and commonsense imperatives, and, per rhetoric, the highfalutin’ and colloquial. —Tyrone Williams
  • $16.00

    Submissions by Jared Schickling

    Cutting ruthless swathes into the dense thickets of history and culture, Jared Schickling's submissions is the linguistic detritus of his singular explorations. Hard to classify, impossible to pin down, this poem demands attentive reading and re-reading. Its unforgiving energy and relentless tension make it seem as if Herman Melville and Susan Howe got together and, during an awkward pause in the conversation, conjured Jared Schickling from a dark corner of the room. —Daniel Bouchard
  • $16.00

    t&u& lash your nipples to a post history is gorgeous by Jared Schickling

    “Forgetfulness of everything but bliss,” —John Keats
  • $16.00

    THE MERCURY POEM by Jared Schickling

    With THE MERCURY POEM, Jared Schickling brings us an oddly reversible apocalypse—the story of individuals grappling with their own bleak place in history. “A tsunami ruining the beach / during an election season,” “the exclusion zone is breeding,” and as an elegy to television, the poet finds normalcy in the unlivable. —Jonathan Penton
  • $16.00

    The Pink by Jared Schickling

    “The Pink” reads like a bio-centric futurist work of patterned effeminate lyricism and distortion whose themes are fatherhood, motherhood, and childhood, while playing heartily at inherited themes and motifs through re-worked fairy tales, observations (recordings), and children’s verses.
  • $16.00

    Two Books on the Gas by Jared Schickling

    Schickling’s materiel-driven poetics mashes up a pre-ethicalized consciousness of the raw human reach for Life with the divination-pose of Fuel Speculation’s futurity e pluribus Unum. The “rational” to “irrational” spectrum of our present’s “present”, betrays an unspoken truth: the Republic of Fuel has, in fact, no sensate feel for time—at all. —Rodrigo Toscano
  • $16.00

    Zero’s Blooming Excursion by Jared Schickling

    Reading Zero’s Blooming Excursion is like hovering above one’s own body while living; it’s unsettling ecstasy.  Read this book and you’ll “find yourself next to yourself.” —Sasha Steensen