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Michael Basinski


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4 products

  • $18.00

    All My Eggs Are Broken by Michael Basinski

    We have choosen to have no blurbs on this book. This supreme gift of the artist should draw you in, like the noose around the neck.
  • $25.00

    Gerald Locklin: A Critical Introduction

    I am most happy to say that this book celebrates the poet Gerald Locklin. It is an homage to Gerald Locklin, a poet whose neck of the woods is the literary underground, which is the publishing stratum that has delivered Howl and The Maximus Poems and Ulysses and The Making of Americans and Flower Fist and Bestial Wail.  Not a bad list. His is a forceful, absolutely clear and democratic voice that constantly reminds all of us in the realm of the poem that our poetry is all of us who make all of our poetry. —Michael Basinski
  • $16.00

    SALVAGE by Michael Basinski

    SO, he tried and it was endless in his head labyrinth and he tried and tried: When asked about SALVAGE Basinski pondered and battled with his selves. He didn’t know. He was afraid. His impulses were everywhere. The veil of art, which would unveil nothing! The silly, try too hard, musings of an aging being! Alien communication, confrontation, and arrogance and some rampant need and want.
  • $16.00

    Trailers by Michael Basinski

    With Trailers, Michael Basinski engages in a Joycean celebration offloOwering. As he 'gave up and just repeated again and again singing softly, deeply with his eyes closed', the language bloomed past the letters, numerals, wingdings, webs and crickets into a dream language of the 'noise for active space.' — derek beaulieu