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Michael Kelleher


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3 products

  • $16.00

    Human Scale by Michael Kelleher

    It would be difficult for me to overstate my admiration for Michael Kelleher's new poems. They vibrate to a music rarely heard before, combining passion and intelligence with such mastery that one is left stunned by the pleasure they afford. With few words, an entire world is born. -- Paul Auster
  • $16.00

    Museum Hours by Michael Kelleher

    “Attraction has its pulls,” writes Michael Kelleher. Museum Hours maps, in moving ways, the force of gravity that art has on our lives, our attentions. One trusts the secrets that Kelleher’s poems share. With their precision, their quietness, their frequently keen but subtle wit, these poems enter the ear and the mind as intimately as a sudden sense of wonder just before “the roof gives way to the stars.” —Richard Deming
  • $16.00

    TO BE SUNG by Michael Kelleher

    "Michael Kelleher's deft poems have often a wry poignance and sing the old songs with fresh particulars. So it's as ever where we are that counts, and that's where these poems are, always." —Robert Creeley