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Showing 181–192 of 594 results


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181-192 of 594 products

  • $18.00

    For To by Skip Fox

    Spleen is a bulwark against pessismism , says Walter Benjamin in an essay on Baudelaire. Baudelaire was no pessimist. Neither is Fox. For To is catastrophe set in stone, the rock from which the language springs. Yet, as Benjamin goes further to suggest, [t]he devaluation of the world of things in allegory (Fox's prime land) is surpassed within the world of things itself by the commodity — Stephen Ellis

  • $18.00
  • $16.00

    Frame Narrative by Dennis Barone

    Frame Narrative by Dennis Barone is an exquisite book whose poems spin out of a surreal universe into wisps of narrative and back again. Beautifully imagistic, these poems give voice to the unknown and unknowable. —Maria Mazziotti Gillan
  • $16.00

    Frances the Mute / The Bright Continent (A Diptych) by Kristina Marie Darling

    Frances the Mute / The Bright Continent is a love story shaped by the language of absence—and haunted by the absence of language. In Kristina Marie Darling’s hands, the “small ornaments” of the quotidian are invested with a radiant significance rustling beneath the surface of words. —Tony Trigilio
  • $16.00

    From Delancey West by Brian Jackson

    Here the lover, the vet, the tenement dweller, pedestrian and poet comingle in half-light, in phantasmagoria and lush musicality alive and singing the names of the gone world. Brian Jackson has taken the time to give us his first book, a loving book born of magic and gem-like attention. ~Peter Gizzi
  • $16.00

    From the Lost Land (I-XII) by André Spears

    But André Spears does not clean up or apologize; in From the Lost Land (I–XII), he blows the genre out of its wine-dark sea. Equal parts Star Wars, On the Road, Deleuzean war machine, and surrealist delirium, this poem-ever-in-progress is literature on steroids, philosophy on acid. It is scandalous, funny, erudite, and endlessly generative. It is an epic without organs. — Miriam Nichols
  • $16.00

    Futuring by Mike Sikkema

    Michael Sikkema's Futuring rings as it arrives.  With a careful eye for details, Sikkema takes it all in. From the violence of a television commercial to tender moments in a relationship, Sikkema recreates a world where "the concealed isn't." —Gina Myers
  • $16.00

    Gargantua by Jennie Cole

    GARGANTUA is a poem to read and put aside to read again. an encounter with overlapping narratives at once broken and recurring. exuberant use of language enhances the stride of disrupted syntax with turns of humour, worry, mistake. addresses are to the second person and the first, incomplete or get mislaid, encourage amusement and breath-catch. humanity trapped in a cyber-vice, embedded in rich and confident qualm. this is a rare new book. —Allen Fisher
  • $25.00

    Gerald Locklin: A Critical Introduction

    I am most happy to say that this book celebrates the poet Gerald Locklin. It is an homage to Gerald Locklin, a poet whose neck of the woods is the literary underground, which is the publishing stratum that has delivered Howl and The Maximus Poems and Ulysses and The Making of Americans and Flower Fist and Bestial Wail.  Not a bad list. His is a forceful, absolutely clear and democratic voice that constantly reminds all of us in the realm of the poem that our poetry is all of us who make all of our poetry. —Michael Basinski
  • $16.00

    Ghost / Landscape by Kristina Marie Darling & John Gallaher

    GHOST / LANDSCAPE reads like an intimate chat, except not the kind people have over tea. Maybe it's whiskey causing these emotional flare-ups ("They warned me about you"), these bouts of nostalgia ("You wake wondering where the antique chickens are"), these lamentations about lost love (count the number of missed phone calls throughout), these discomfiting confessions ("...I had always thought unhappiness would be easy"). The chemistry between these poets is electric; it lights up the page. —Diana Spechler
  • $16.00

    Ghosts of the Upper Floor: The Complete Dark Shadows (of My Childhood), Book 3 by Tony Trigilio

    There’s so much to admire in Tony Trigilio’s addictive new book (the third in his delicious Dark Shadows poetry soap opera): the obsessive vision, the light and dark of emotion, and the everyday world brushing eerily—sometimes hilariously—against the supernatural. —Aaron Smith
  • $16.00

    Girl in Two Pieces by Elizabeth Hatmaker

    Elizabeth Hatmaker has a quiet way of crunching up our world. She excels in shaking out the dirty little corners of the mind, particularly the mind of misogynist history. In the person of Elizabeth Short, the so-called "Black Dahlia," she has found her heroine, the way Leonard Cohen found Joan of Arc--or perhaps how Raymond Queneau found Zazie in the metro--for in Girl we see Elizabeth Short refracted and perfected through multiple stylistic prisms and processes. —Dodie Bellamy