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Showing 277–288 of 594 results


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277-288 of 594 products

  • $18.00

    LIZARD or EASY ANSWERS: They Are None Being a Novel Tracing of the Yi Jing/ I Ching Seen to by Thomas Meyer

    Lizard offers the poet and reader a simultaneous process of personal narration, a creation evolving thought the constant change of form, the reading and the writing in a balancing act of creation, and divination improvisation. Lizard an ever being written and, therefore, changing form of poetic prose thought the I Ching: A form of interpreted life is a meaningful form of poetry. —Michael Basinski
  • $20.00

    Lost Poet, Four Plays By Jesse Glass

    In this selection of plays, Jesse Glass‘ imagination rages, leaps and staggers from the Challenger disaster of 1986 to the hallucinated lucubrations of Thomas Holley Chivers (friend and rival of Edgar Allan Poe), and manages to cover the arrival of a cosmic, sexual vermiform lemure of the Kabbalistic Bohu-Tohu in a reportorial manner worthy of Philip Glass on N.P.R., while ringing the changes on a young man’s sexual angst in the face of the ambiguities of the Summerland.
  • $16.00

    Love at the End by Wade Stevenson

    In the formal immediacy of these new poems, Wade Stevenson practices elegy in the imperative mode, in the faithful idioms of amazement. And so it happens that he is vividly able to address evidence and events of loss in their proper bodies, in a tender, mutual anguish. Along the way, he discovers wild decorums of love in the embrace of annihilation. These poems are a consolation beyond consolation, an unprecedented heaven on earth. —Donald Revell
  • $16.00

    Madstones by Corey Mesler

    “These poems-- at times dark and troubling, at other times passionate and openhearted--are the work of a very talented poet. Madstones is a book worthy of a smart and attentive audience.” —Ron Rash
  • $16.00

    Mainstream by Michael Magee

    Right from the start, Magee’s work bristles with the spirit of improvisation. Everything about it pops: classic poetry chops, a serious sense of humor, unabashed rawness. Mainstream is thrilling because it can turn in any direction at any time, moving effortlessly from wacked units of thought turning inside out to tender moments of highly focused nonsense and song that get, paradoxically, straight to the point.  --Drew Gardner
  • $16.00

    Maps for Jackie by Jason Labbe

    Jason Labbe’s wonderfully moving and inventive collection Maps for Jackie is an open journey into desire and its fathomlessness. Though the poems dislocate between something and nothing, it’s a loving ride where “waking finds / morning the inmost warp / in space time.” The book is filled with impeccable craft. It’s a terrific work and worth the trip. I’m on board. —PETER GIZZI
  • $16.00

    Marine Layer by Kit Robinson

    Kit Robinson convects his frontal systems through Marine Layer, happy to be enveloped in its fog while somehow always letting its poems breathe. Information sizzles in these data dispatches from the twenty-first century: poetry as a news feed that knows just enough to trust what happens next, lifting the fog—for us all—on the movable things of song. —Miles Champion
  • $16.00

    Masks by Victor Coleman

    Victor Coleman has played with and explored the subtleties of Oulipian procedures for many years, bringing his own imagination and impeccable ear to the revivifying possibilities arrangement offers poetry in lieu of the predictable outpourings of “identity” in the Commercial Poetry Product. With Masks he has reached a point that leaves you breathless in the face of mastery. —Michael Boughn
  • $16.00

    Meet Me at the Happy Bar by Steve Langan

    I'm consistently jealous of Steve Langan's small-a absurdist accuracy, not to mention his unfailing ability to dredge gorgeous song from the hum of the normal. Meet Me at the Happy Bar is sharp, sad, sassy, and frighteningly alive. —Graham Foust
  • $22.00

    MemeWars by Aldon Lynn Nielsen With E. Ethelbert Miller

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    As you begin Memewars, think of Ethelbert Miller’s leading questions as melodies, recognizable tunes, and Nielsen’s responses as harmolodic extensions, waxing nostalgic, and just as moving, just as important, playing all the changes on a prolific career and life in music and writing. —Tyrone Williams

  • $18.00
  • $16.00

    Metamerican by Seth Abramson

    America has been awaiting the arrival of a poet like this for a generation. —Barn Owl Review