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Showing 385–396 of 594 results


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385-396 of 594 products

  • $16.00

    Saccade Patterns by Deborah Meadows

    Saccade Patterns explores vision, the erotic gaze, and social discernment. The book opens with a shuffled text that dismantles melodrama by inscribing primate capacity for abstract thought. There’s even a list of possible names for a pet cricket that follows a mathematic iteration. The poems seem to ask how an ekphrastic poem based on the story of Tristan und Isolde illumines the oldest gaze of love and eros. “Highways out to desert proving grounds” lead to technologically-enhanced vision, failures in our “dynastic speed-up.”
  • $16.00

    Sailing This Nameless Ship by Justin Evans

    Soundly lyrical yet subtly narrative, these poems find a grounded energy in a bittersweet longing for home that is belied by a thrilling apprehension of what’s to come. — Jeff Newberry
  • $16.00

    SALVAGE by Michael Basinski

    SO, he tried and it was endless in his head labyrinth and he tried and tried: When asked about SALVAGE Basinski pondered and battled with his selves. He didn’t know. He was afraid. His impulses were everywhere. The veil of art, which would unveil nothing! The silly, try too hard, musings of an aging being! Alien communication, confrontation, and arrogance and some rampant need and want.
  • $22.00

    Samsara Congeries by mIEKAL aND

    Impossible to characterize in a few sweeping phrases, Samsara Congeries, an epic in many pieces, channels land-ancestors, land-heirs, langue-ancestors, langue-heirs, all the detritus of material and linguistic (t)ex(t)(ins)istence that insists on itself in cycles of embodied living. —Maria Damon
  • $18.00

    Sauvage: Essays on Anglophone Poetry by Richard Owens

    Broad in scale and scope, this volume attends to developments on the terrain of contemporary Anglophone poetry deeply articulated with issues of balance, justice, measure, and distance as these variously cohere, come apart and recombine across the unfolding present. Decentered and transatlantic in orientation, the essays aggregated in this volume emerge from a variety of social contexts, including the popular and the scholarly, print and digital forums, the cosmopolitan and the local, the center and the margin.
  • $18.00

    Say It Into My Mouth by H. L. Hix

    What makes H. L. Hix’s book unique is that its set of very personal, indeed autobiographical poems turn out, paradoxically enough, to be composed almost entirely of quoted text. How does a poet perform this feat? ... Every aphorism or question provokes a further question or response, often familiar on its own, but transformed by its context. The resulting lyric conceptualism or conceptualist lyric — take your pick! — is as thought-provoking as it original and charming. — Marjorie Perloff
  • $18.00

    Scorched Altar: Selected Poems & Stories 2007-2014 by Kristina Marie Darling

    It is in the very restlessness of her metaphors that Kristina Darling documents a tangible faith. Such restlessness is trustworthy and always, throughout Scorched Altar, both vital and in plain view. Here are truthful experiments. Here is a new tradition, alive in bright air. —Donald Revell
  • $16.00

    Secondary Sound by justin sirois

    Sometimes a ringtone is just a ringtone, but not very often. Mostly they say things like "hope you got away from yourself safe," or "reformat a thief into a reverted serf," or "felt more real watching it onscreen." This is not a technological book, it's about people, so it's techno-illogical-- it's about hiding & thieving & occasionally, love. sirois has written here a stunning documentary attempt at re-lyricizing our stupid alienations. He succeeds, we don't. Ahoy there Group Gropers, press send. — Rod Smith
  • $16.00

    Secret’s Exhibition and Other Introventions by Vernon Frazer

    Vernon Frazer's Secret's Exhibition and Other Introventions is a delightful book, showing & showcasing once again, from the first poem on — "to repeal a tense present / riding the grammar surge" — the poet's ability to align words with other, often disparate, words, & then shape the resultant phrases into assemblages of insight & beauty. —Mark Young
  • $16.00

    Secrets of My Prison House by Geoffrey Gatza

    Geoffrey Gatza’s poems go straight to the point. From one to another the plane is consistent, the tone both literate and congenial; the feeling, one of an assessment of options while moving through choice to definition, a definition-in-progress of how to be, allowing large time outs for horseplay, an inventory of asides that end up occupying large chunks of mind. The book as ethos – you can live with it -- you wish – why not—Bill Berkson
  • $18.00

    Selected Prose of Bobbie Louise Hawkins Edited by Barbara Henning

    Bobbie Louise Hawkins is a remarkable master of the witty understated prose sentence and writes in the lineage of Barbara Pym and Jane Bowles; she is also a fabulous storyteller with a great ear for the "very thing": quip or bon mot. —Anne Waldman
  • $16.00

    Sensational Spectacular by Nate Pritts

    As its exuberant title suggests, Sensational Spectacular is a book of double energies, hurling out voluble, self-sparking poems on one side while clocking the reader upside the head with the essential loneliness of the lyric (and the universe) on the other. —Joyelle McSweeney