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Showing 457–468 of 594 results


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457-468 of 594 products

  • $18.00

    The Built World by George Albon

    In The Built World connection is understood as the spaces between things and scenes that move continuously, resonating underneath with all represented surfaces and experiences. This is a tough, beautiful, provocative, companionable book of poems. —Anselm Berrigan
  • $16.00

    The Camel’s Pedestal, Poems 2009–2017 by Anne Tardos

    Free-ranging, intelligent, a poetry of wit and survival—to be “crazy not to go crazy” and not going crazy and making art in the face of that: “finally taking a stand” . . . “there is no shortage of things to do on the path to a better life” and “letting things be,” “tip-toeing around the good and the terrible”—Maurice Scully
  • $16.00

    THE CARCASSES: A FABLE by Raymond Federman

    — no need to say more about the pathetic failure of this revolution — what will happen in the zone of the carcasses will be told in a subsequent chapter — but as it is now said and repeated in every corner of the zone since the miscarriage of this revolt — the more things change the more they’re the same —
  • $18.00

    The Color Symphonies by Wade Stevenson

    This is a visionary work. It’s a torrent, a whirlwind, a symphony of colors. It’s a blazing apocalypse of rainbows, a dazzling setting sun of the material world. Surely it was written in some god-inspired, intoxicated state reflected through the rational mind of a star-struck color scientist. —Aloysius Werner
  • $16.00

    The Complete Collection: Of People Places and Things by John Dermot Woods

    “John Woods' The Complete Collection brings the small-town America of Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio into conversation with Italo Calvino's fake travelogue, Invisible Cities, and that book's dreamish vision of Imperial China. — Johannes Göransson
  • $16.00

    The Demotion of Pluto by Deborah Meadows

    In Deborah Meadows’ The Demotion of Pluto runs of poetry bleed into plays. The title play recasts Sophocles’ Philoctetes; Obstacle Plays riffs on Michael Fried’s Art and Objecthood that considers minimalist sculpture as both theatrical and an obstacle; and Nothing to Do works intensive differences between brilliant and crumbling minds situated in the aftermath of street struggle.
  • $18.00
  • $16.00

    The Desense of Nonfense by Megan A. Volpert

    Not since the Nature Theater of Oklahoma has such a cast of characters been recruited in the name of narrative theory and good clean fun.   Starring icons of culture high and low, from Slavoj Zizek to Simon Cowell, from Akira Kurosawa to Will Ferrell, Volpert's essay on nonsense is a Technicolor triumph. —Jena Osman
  • $16.00

    The Distancing Effect by Maryam Monalisa Gharavi

    A beautifully tangled collection of poems that reveal an intense focus on the world, not as a singular philosophical phenomenon but a series of sensual encounters that always seem to be on the verge of revelation. Like all great writers, Maryam Monalisa Gharavi leads us to the precipice of some greater understanding of our circumstances and ourselves, then withdraws and encourages us to take the final step into the wondrous ether on our own. —Michael Thomsen
  • $16.00

    The Ecstasy of Capitulation By Daniel Borzutzky

    "Lucretius and Epictetus; Franz Kafka and Daniil Kharms; Lucretia Mott and William James; William Bronk and Bernadette Mayer: Daniel Borzutzky is their heir and equal. He is a world class author. - Gabriel Gudding
  • $16.00

    The Edge of the Underworld by Michael Ruby

    “Call it immersion”: take Michael Ruby’s sibilant heterographic tour of the underworld’s underwords and rediscover in these homophonic burrows that sonic intersection is ear + imagination.  —Judith Goldman
  • $18.00

    The Electric Affinities by Wade Stevenson

    The Electric Affinities examines the interior lives and motives of six affluent, artistic friends as they struggle to find love and meaning in the summer of 1969, “the year that changed everything.” Set in the Hamptons and New York City, the novel brilliantly captures the decadent, freedom-loving lifestyles of characters trapped in a “prison of opulence.”