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Showing 49–60 of 594 results


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49-60 of 594 products

  • $16.00

    Art Fraud by Jeffrey Schrader

    One could say of Art Fraud that it is typing, not writing. And one would miss the point. Jeffrey Schrader, typist extraordinaire, delves into the all too frequent absurdity that results when art meets commerce. The result is pure slapstick. — Juliana Spahr
  • $16.00

    ARTIFICIAL LIFE by Michael Gessner

    Artificial Life is brilliantly wrought and blindingly brilliant.  Gessner is second to none. Count him, along with Ashbery and Ammons, among the most stunning intellectual poets of the twentieth century—and into the twenty-first.” —John Dolis

  • $18.00

    As They Say by Robert Manery

    These poems invent a poetic diction, mixing heady with quaint in Land-of-Cockaigne stylistic abundance. Words current, rare, archaic, and obsolete are found in As They Say syntactically pasted together in humorous tonal blends of near and far. —Louis Cabri
  • $16.00

    Astrometry Orgonon by Mark Lamoureux

    The map of the heavens has long been the place where humanity has immortalized those narratives that are instructive to its understanding of the universe.   The named celestial bodies represent a repository of information from diverse cultures, both ancient and modern.   Each poem in this volume bears the name of the brightest named star of every visible constellation from both hemispheres.
  • $16.00

    asymptotic lover//thermodynamic vents by Julia Hastain aka j/j hastain

    This book, which is unlike anything that has ever been seen before, brings something with it from the under-parts of sensation. This is the definition of vibration, of a book as the only possible membrane, the only future for a body so new it's still forming: j/j hastain gives us this. —Bhanu Kapil
  • $16.00

    At the Fair by Tom Clark

    Remembering his first glimmers of vocation as a boy in power-charged mid-century Chicago, Tom Clark has given us some of the most beautiful American Poems that I know. At the Fair is the work of a living master. —Aram Saroyan
  • $16.00

    atboalgfpopasasbifl: Irritations, Excrement & Wipes by Jared Schickling

    Jared Schickling’s latest collection—comprised of hybrid genre prose, footnotes, erasures, and struck-through lines of verse—engages compelling questions about the relationship between literary criticism and artistic practice: Is it possible for creative and critical discourses to coexist within the same rhetorical space? Can the literary arts facilitate unique—and even revolutionary—contributions to theoretical conversations? To what extent is every poem an act of deconstruction, a revision of the writing that came before one’s own? —Kristina Marie Darling
  • $16.00

    Atom Parlor by Joseph Bienvenu

    Exuberant as a blizzard, individual as a snowflake, Joseph Bienvenu gives us this book with the generosity of yahoo and wail.  In Atom Parlor's hooting forest is a beating heart, crying out for connection, vulnerable, human, demonstrative of an extraordinary associational speed, the imagination always in triumph, in celebration as well as sorrow, dire and slapstick, and, dare I say, fun. —Dean Young
  • $15.00

    Aurora by Jared Schickling

    This book is part of our moblis in mobli series, a free ebook with a printed books that is for sale from us as well as
  • $16.00

    Autobiography of a Stutterer by Joseph Cooper

    Joseph S. Cooper writes where the body does not exactly say yes but where it wants something else. By this I mean the bodies he is making are profoundly wild: propelled by phonetic imperatives and breaks in the deep structure that could be described as aberrant, but which I prefer to think of as delicious. -Bhanu Kapil
  • $16.00

    Automatic Zygote by Jonathan Huey

    “Jonathan Huey has a terrific eye for detail.  The tender mercies of urban wildlife, the sweeping implications of history – and he does not miss that trash in the creek or those cops in the alley –amid it all the rangy, slightly bemused song of the poet.” Andrew Schelling
  • $16.00

    A’S VISUALITY by Anne Gorrick

    This is the work of a highly-engaged intelligence, and Gorrick has made her own system by moving through the world with the given that this, too, is poetry. Here, it is color— not darkness— that surrounds us. What a beautiful place she has made. —Carolyn Guinzio