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Showing 49–60 of 91 results


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49-60 of 91 products

  • $18.00

    Overtures by Ted Pearson

    The standard acrostic submitted to pre-preparation's careful, reticent, insistently epigraphic procedures; the cenobitic playhouse accompaniment in blue sphere’s black expanse; the constant opening of open and uncountable dialog in analog: ladies and gentlemen and all the swung and transient surround, it's nobody but Ted Pearson! – Fred Moten
  • $22.00

    Ovid’s Creek by Sam Magavern, Art by Monica Angle


    In Ovid's Creek Sam Magavern, in paying tribute to the Roman poet Ovid, works out his own ars poetica, one that values plainness over ornament,  playfulness over solemnity, and liveliness over propriety and elevation. ... The result is a book of peculiar freshness. —Carl Dennis, Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Practical Gods.

  • $18.00

    Permission to Relax by Sheila E. Murphy

    These intricately constructed structures have an air of lightness about them, though mixed into that lightness is the existential angst of the quotidian rung with rhythmic grace and disjunctive virtuosity. —Daniel Borzutsky
  • $18.00

    Pieces by Hank Lazer

    These apt, reductive verses keep a locus of faith with skill and moving commitment. —Robert Creeley
  • $16.00

    Poetic Realism by Rachel Blau DuPlessis

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    Poetic Realism by Rachel Blau DuPlessis is the fourth episode of the on-going work Traces, with Days. It is both a committed poetry looking out at the world in witness, resistance, and with a fervent vow to find “incantatory information” in an account of what is seen, felt, and thought.
  • $22.00

    Polaroids of Turbulence by Henry Sussman

    Polaroids of Turbulence is a chronicle of culture trouble, a verse report of the unfathomable depths of our times: “barbarism’s eternal return.” Sussman’s sharp observations and linguistic play mark a “jagged trajectory” through “the outerbanks of / introspection.” —Nancy Kuhl
  • $18.00

    prairie)d by Garin Cycholl

    Mostly, Cycholl proceeds in dismay for the beggaring of his world. prairie)d is the song of a grieving poet. It tells of the water which dribbles muddily through a once-garden and into lives malformed by manias of profit. —Dennis Cooley
  • $18.00

    Rearview Mirror by Charles Borkhuis

    The rapidity & delight of Charles Borkhuis’s poetry, set against the serious matters of truth & lies, of light & darkness, is difficult to capture & impossible to escape. And all of this he delivers with a master’s sure sense of humor & grief, the badge of a poet at the top of his powers, which I read now with ever-growing delight, & still can’t stop reading. —Jerome Rothenberg
  • $18.00

    Say It Into My Mouth by H. L. Hix

    What makes H. L. Hix’s book unique is that its set of very personal, indeed autobiographical poems turn out, paradoxically enough, to be composed almost entirely of quoted text. How does a poet perform this feat? ... Every aphorism or question provokes a further question or response, often familiar on its own, but transformed by its context. The resulting lyric conceptualism or conceptualist lyric — take your pick! — is as thought-provoking as it original and charming. — Marjorie Perloff
  • $16.00

    Secret’s Exhibition and Other Introventions by Vernon Frazer

    Vernon Frazer's Secret's Exhibition and Other Introventions is a delightful book, showing & showcasing once again, from the first poem on — "to repeal a tense present / riding the grammar surge" — the poet's ability to align words with other, often disparate, words, & then shape the resultant phrases into assemblages of insight & beauty. —Mark Young
  • $18.00

    Siphonic (Volume VI, The Grammaton Series) by Irene Koronas

    Irene Koronas’ Grammaton Series is a metaleptic myth of reincarnation in an Einstein-Rosen Bridge. —Anna Phylactic, Protagonist, The Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic
  • $18.00

    Slab Phases by Matt Turner

    These are worlds that float as microscopic filaments alive as micro-engravings kinetic with migrational telepathy as they glisten with their own dictation. An endemic domain not unlike primordial grammar that dictates protracted simplicity. — Will Alexander