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Showing 37–48 of 504 results


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37-48 of 504 products

  • $35.00

    Apollo: A Conceptual Poem by Geoffrey Gatza : Based upon the ballet by Igor Stravinsky

    At its heart, this book is about Marcel Duchamp but it is also about chess. It was thought for a long while that Marcel Duchamp gave up art to play professional chess. However, this was found to be not true with the revelation of his last major artwork, Étant donnés.
  • $16.00

    Apparition Poems by Adam Fieled

    Adam Fieled is a poet based in Philadelphia.
  • $16.00

    archipelago counterpoint by Marcia Arrieta

    Marcia Arrieta’s archipelago counterpoint points to language associated with delicate inventiveness—a brand of language providing whispering emblems, musical identities, and clarity of affirmed environment….Precise, reliable appreciation engages the reader and provides context toward a thoughtful devotion to expanding understanding. —Felino A. Soriano
  • $16.00

    Armored Elevator By Ryan Daley

    Ryan Daley is a dedicated dodgem of syntax. He is a multi kulti Mayan in Newark whose wit’s as Pan-American as any Jose O’Shay’s. He knows dystopias no longer wash unless in global neo-glot soup spracht. Armored Elevator is one of the best—certainly the edgiest—first books I’ve read in quite awhile. –Michael Gizzi
  • $16.00

    Around the day in 80 worlds By Rachel Blau DuPlessis

    Around each day, she flies her rounds— tempestuous. DuPlessis revels in travel and records what unravels in one’s habits of attention when all the elsewheres return us to a home we are about to lose. “What is the true story of any time? / any itinerary?/ and of its traveling sorrows?” I encounter so many moments of startling honesty— each poem is a face as pert as day and as wild as night, looking up, from a labyrinth of drafts. —Divya Victor
  • $16.00

    ARTIFICIAL LIFE by Michael Gessner

    Artificial Life is brilliantly wrought and blindingly brilliant.  Gessner is second to none. Count him, along with Ashbery and Ammons, among the most stunning intellectual poets of the twentieth century—and into the twenty-first.” —John Dolis

  • $18.00

    As They Say by Robert Manery

    These poems invent a poetic diction, mixing heady with quaint in Land-of-Cockaigne stylistic abundance. Words current, rare, archaic, and obsolete are found in As They Say syntactically pasted together in humorous tonal blends of near and far. —Louis Cabri
  • $16.00

    Astrometry Orgonon by Mark Lamoureux

    The map of the heavens has long been the place where humanity has immortalized those narratives that are instructive to its understanding of the universe.   The named celestial bodies represent a repository of information from diverse cultures, both ancient and modern.   Each poem in this volume bears the name of the brightest named star of every visible constellation from both hemispheres.
  • $16.00

    asymptotic lover//thermodynamic vents by Julia Hastain aka j/j hastain

    This book, which is unlike anything that has ever been seen before, brings something with it from the under-parts of sensation. This is the definition of vibration, of a book as the only possible membrane, the only future for a body so new it's still forming: j/j hastain gives us this. —Bhanu Kapil
  • $16.00

    At the Fair by Tom Clark

    Remembering his first glimmers of vocation as a boy in power-charged mid-century Chicago, Tom Clark has given us some of the most beautiful American Poems that I know. At the Fair is the work of a living master. —Aram Saroyan
  • $16.00

    atboalgfpopasasbifl: Irritations, Excrement & Wipes by Jared Schickling

    Jared Schickling’s latest collection—comprised of hybrid genre prose, footnotes, erasures, and struck-through lines of verse—engages compelling questions about the relationship between literary criticism and artistic practice: Is it possible for creative and critical discourses to coexist within the same rhetorical space? Can the literary arts facilitate unique—and even revolutionary—contributions to theoretical conversations? To what extent is every poem an act of deconstruction, a revision of the writing that came before one’s own? —Kristina Marie Darling
  • $16.00

    Atom Parlor by Joseph Bienvenu

    Exuberant as a blizzard, individual as a snowflake, Joseph Bienvenu gives us this book with the generosity of yahoo and wail.  In Atom Parlor's hooting forest is a beating heart, crying out for connection, vulnerable, human, demonstrative of an extraordinary associational speed, the imagination always in triumph, in celebration as well as sorrow, dire and slapstick, and, dare I say, fun. —Dean Young