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1-24 of 55 products

  • $18.00

    … and Beefheart Saved Craig by Jefferson Hansen

    This book comes at readers from all angles, literally, with its energetic mix of innovative narrative, informed cultural criticism, and good old-fashioned character development about life among the drinking classes. Hansen's absolutely contemporary questioning of individual identity spins out through a story about some ordinary and ornery people whose mundane lives are paradoxically compelling and often shocking. —Mark Wallace
  • $16.00

    3 by Doris Shapiro

    These striking stories portray cycles of the human condition recognizable to us all.  Here we look at the ending of life in the ending of a life.   In another we see the brilliant self-deception we employ to avoid unwanted change.   The third celebrates the possibilities and satisfactions of friendship.   The stories, powerful on their own, together offer emotional pleasures that linger.
  • $16.00

    A Field Guide to the Rehearsal by Dennis Barone

    , ,
    Dennis Barone’s A Field Guide to the Rehearsal is a most unique book, an open-form, subtly off-beat narrative, a mixture of poetry and prose, of memory and concrete, image-filled metaphysics. —David Cappella
  • $18.00

    Anhedonia by Patrick Chapman

    These nine stories of love and its opposite, blend darkness, humor and a refreshing emotional openness. Briskly written and told with a winning humanity, Anhedonia is a fine collection from one of Ireland’s most exciting writers.
  • $18.00

    Bliss Inc. by Ron Burch

    In a city that is a dream, or a frontier, or a dystopia, Nel Lowry is our pilgrim whose progress is a search for Bliss, which is a company and the promise of a lifetime position in a place that might have appeared in Kafka's Amerika. —Toby Olson
  • $16.00

    BYSTANDER An Irreality by mIEKAL aND

    What would happen if words, disguised as characters Balboa Pettibone and She-singer, could hallucinate and time travel? mIEKAL aND, one of our most intrepid verbal explorers, takes us into the world of genre fiction and sets it spinning into an “irreality” as iridescent as myth clothed in neon language. —Maria Damon
  • $16.00

    Chant by Richard Henry

    Successful formal experiments, especially those relying on Oulipian restraints and combinatorics, might demand a certain degree of skill and patience, but so what?   They remain “beyond aesthetic value,” as Raymond Queneau said – a mere demonstration of intellectual gymnastics. —Matt Short
  • $16.00

    Che. by Peter Money

    "epic"— Christian Peet (Tarpaulin Sky, Big American Trip)
  • $16.00

    Cruelty by Jefferson Hansen

    In Jefferson Hansen’s collection of short stories, Cruelty, his assorted strange and confused characters are much like the people who pass through my life any day, only with a more pronounced and interesting strangeness. —Mary Kasimor
  • $16.00

    Deco by J.J. Colagrande

    Decò begins his journey in South Beach. He's a writer armed with "multiple graduate degrees" living a glorified condo-life off of "$400,000 in student loan debt." Life is great with his "super-hot model girlfriend" until the real estate market crashes and he quickly loses it all. Forced to move to the art haven of Wynwood, Decò seeks the success he has always felt he was owed.
  • $16.00

    Does the Moon Ever Shine in Heaven? by Chuck Richardson

    Experiencing the heart and mind of a suicided murderer, Does the Moon Ever Shine in Heaven?  gives voice to a killer’s disturbing passage through the Bardo Plane . According to the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Bardo is the existential phase between death and re-birth where the soul confronts itself, trying to stave off its karmic pressure by confronting the active contents of its mind. Here, the narrator must go beyond the rage that would destroy him and everything else it can.
  • $22.00

    Epigonesia by Kane X. Faucher and Tom Bradley

    Kane X. Faucher and Tom Bradley bullwhip some of literature's most vibrant luminaries, including Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Charles Bukowski, Henry Miller, Antonin Artaud and Hunter S. Thompson. Through occult means, "Ebeneezer" Pound has reanimated his favorite dead authors as part of a villainous master plan. The re-embodied writers suffer through their tragicomic limitations as epigones of themselves. Faucher's puppeteering of Pound is matched by Bradley, who hurls into the text an annotated revelation of diabolic intrigue involving a dead author and a commandeered laptop.
  • $16.00

    Headz by JJ Colagrande

    Headz gets inside the next generation jam band scene and turns it back out. It moves like great music in your brain and keeps you groovin' until the last page. Tune in, turn on, and pick up this book. —Peter Conners

  • $22.00

    Interstellar Theme Park by Jack Skelley

    “Despite my dislike of seeing my own name, you’re really a good writer – never what’s expected.” —Kathy Acker
  • $20.00

    Iterations of Lilith and Adam: An Alien’s Memoir by Chuck Richardson

    Chuck Richardson writes like he’s the conductor of a chorus of demons. Hallucinatory and searing, Iterations of Lilith and Adam pounds away at your equilibrium until your only choice is to let go, accept your fate, and let Richardson be your guide. —Dave Megenhardt
  • $22.00

    JDP by Ron Burch

    Ron Burch exposes the offbeat edge of California’s most mythical urban places populated with tourists feeding the quest for memorabilia of dead celebrities—leading to the ultimate prize, JDP. Tough and gritty with equal parts heart and offbeat humor, the novel’s innovative narrative pumps new noir through the veins of Hollywood in an ironic journey with an unlikely XXXL protagonist who runs a celebrity museum and stretches the limits of anti-hero iconography. —Aimee Parkison,
  • $20.00

    Jonkil Dies (A Mesophysical Eulogy) by Kane X. Faucher

    "Holy Kanadada, Bat(aille)man!  Kane X. Faucher's socio-sexio-scalpel of Logos explodes an intoxicated phantasmarrhea of Anguish & Ecstasy unto the Jabberwocky Matrix Éxtrémé!  Run for the Collidosphere of hyper-Deleuzian Magyaria & hold to the Vertigo of the New Philology's Brainbucket Bastardchild!"  — Mark Spitzer
  • $18.00

    Journals From the Time of the Radar Dog By Pat Lawrence

    These are the collected journals of my friend, Vincent Pantaglia, from a period late in his life.   During this time he was furiously documenting his daily activities with the hope of using the material to someday write a novel.   When he was unable to finish the journals or to realize his dream of re-working their stories and characters into a fiction, I took the notebooks into my possession for safekeeping after having received them from his family, and out of nostalgia, I suppose.
  • $16.00

    Katzenjammered by Norma Kassirer

    Katzenjammered is a brilliantly compelling illumination of the nature of storytelling. Through the haunting imagery of interwoven narratives, the tale carries the reader through family mythology, tragedy, and beyond. With, in the words of the young protagonist, “each syllable broken into light and shadow”, the language is a joy to read. —Donna Wyszomierski
  • $18.00

    Line And Pause by Forrest Roth

    "Driven by deep experimentation with the conventions of fiction--chapter, plot, the requirements against obliteration--but with a shameless commitment to narrative, Roth makes a novel seemingly from thin air. In a poetic voice inflected by visual and aural space, Line and Pause reveals both the body and the spirit of the artistic life." — Kazim Ali
  • $25.00

    Little: Novels by Emily Anderson

    Come for the Michael Landon Flip Book; stay for the richly rewoven story that excavates hidden moments in Little House on the Prairie and pays playful homage to fan favorites like prairie bitch Nellie Oleson. Little is a new classic, skillfully foraging Laura Ingalls Wilder's much-loved series to create an (ir)reverent rereading that pioneers the new frontier of Little House on the Prairie in the 21st-century. —Alison Fraser
  • $18.00

    LIZARD or EASY ANSWERS: They Are None Being a Novel Tracing of the Yi Jing/ I Ching Seen to by Thomas Meyer

    Lizard offers the poet and reader a simultaneous process of personal narration, a creation evolving thought the constant change of form, the reading and the writing in a balancing act of creation, and divination improvisation. Lizard an ever being written and, therefore, changing form of poetic prose thought the I Ching: A form of interpreted life is a meaningful form of poetry. —Michael Basinski
  • $22.00


    Morpheus has its origins in a novel John Kinsella worked on in his late teens — a time of transition between adolescence and adulthood, but not a time before he had at least glimpsed the contours of the vast, interconnecting literary project that was to be his lifelong pursuit. An amalgam of realism and fantasy, of fiction, poetry, and drama, the project limned the phantasmagoric yet self-questioning and disciplined emotional terrain that has so captivated and intrigued his many current readers worldwide.
  • $16.00

    Nonexistence by Kenji Siratori

    "Kenji Siratori breaks new ground that others only dream.” — Alan Sondheim