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Showing 349–360 of 510 results


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349-360 of 510 products

  • $16.00

    Showgirls – The Movie in Sestinas by Jeffery Conway

    It has been far too long since a collection of poems summoned us to a world of performers and voyeurs, catfights and choreography, lip gloss and lap dances. In fact, this has never been done before, and Jeffery Conway’s Showgirls: The Movie in Sestinas digs deeper than any collection in recent memory. —Mary Biddinger
  • $16.00

    SHRINKRAP, Litany in Quadraphony by André Spears

    AND NOW, AS THEY SAY, FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. André Spears’ Shrinkrap begins with a claim to simple reportage – the who, what, where, and when that define the parameters of classic reporting – but this report will lead you down the proverbial rabbit hole and into an experience of our current condition unlike any you have had before. —Michael Boughn
  • $16.00

    Sidestep Catapult by Anne-Adele Wight

    In Anne-Adele Wight‘s monumental collection, Sidestep Catapult, she maneuvers time and space to bring us to a new sense of being. With fresh and gorgeous language, she makes a world where letters and colors come together... ––Dorothea Lasky
  • $16.00

    Silent Whistle-Blowers by Goro Takano

    Goro Takano's restless, deadpan, corkscrew imagination conjures prose poems, quatrains and stories that celebrate the life force and, if you believe his unreliable narrator, promote peace. I can't help thinking what this writer's "self-dramatizing practice" aims to unleash are not "silent whistle-blowers" so much as audible mind-blowers. Readers, be warned. —Alan Botsford
  • $18.00

    Siphonic (Volume VI, The Grammaton Series) by Irene Koronas

    Irene Koronas’ Grammaton Series is a metaleptic myth of reincarnation in an Einstein-Rosen Bridge. —Anna Phylactic, Protagonist, The Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic
  • $25.00

    Sisyphus My Love (To Record a Dream in a Bathtub) by Laura Hinton

    Once there was a time, before this and before that, a time of metaphoric remembrances and repetitions, virtual rehearsals. “The rhythm of film like poetry” becomes the rhythm of poetry like film “to remain inside and outside at once.” Funny outrageous dark dreams are real, wherein a smaller point size of type determines infinitives. “Sisyphus died and came back that week,” back to the beaches of the Riviera, the old “New City,” where the radical “I” was an Orpheus who did not turn around but instead rhymes “bleak” and “chic.” —Norma Cole
  • $16.00

    Six Verse Plays: Or, Some Poems For Performance, by John Matthias

    , ,
    The poetry, essays, and fiction of John Matthias are widely known. Less known are the plays and performance texts that he has been writing and adapting from his longer poems in the course of the last several years. This book contains six of these texts, only one of which has been performed. However, the success of staged versions of “Automystifstical Plaice” suggests that performances of the other texts would be equally exciting. Both by the reader and the hypothetical producer of these plays, this book will be warmly welcomed.
  • $16.00


    David Dodd Lee is the author of four full-length books of poems, Downsides of Fish Culture (New Issues Press, 1997), Arrow Pointing North (Four Way Books, 2002), Abrupt Rural (New Issues Press, 2004), The Nervous Filaments (Four Way Books, 2010), and a chapbook , Wilderness (March Street Press, 2000).
  • $18.00

    Slab Phases by Matt Turner

    These are worlds that float as microscopic filaments alive as micro-engravings kinetic with migrational telepathy as they glisten with their own dictation. An endemic domain not unlike primordial grammar that dictates protracted simplicity. — Will Alexander
  • $22.00
  • $18.00

    Sleeping with Sappho by Stephen Vincent

    Stephen Vincent's "Sleeping with Sappho" is a fascinating investigation of how a writer envisions a way back into history and simultaneously contemporizes it. — Maxine Chernoff
  • $16.00

    SMEAR by Andrew Brenza

    Rachel Blau Duplessis, author of Poetic Realism: Working with strong page-making skills in modes of visual and procedural poetry, Andrew Brenza’s serious work comments on the tearing up and uneasy reconfiguring of languages in our historical moment. He creatively transforms inaugural addresses of all U.S. Presidents: imploded, exploded, spun to whirlpool, in a “jagged maw” or “transforming into a broken vapor.”