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Showing 13–24 of 504 results


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13-24 of 504 products

  • $18.00

    Ad Hoc by Hayden Bergman


    Spectacular poems from a strong new voice—Bergman’s language is energetic and surprising, beautiful and seductive; his poems are both funny and not funny, regional and universal; his voice is so strong, his thought the same, that I’ll be going back to this book  to enjoy its company again and again—and I'll be passing copies of this smart, engrossing book on to others. —Renée Ashley

  • $16.00

    After Language / Letters to Jack Spicer by Steven Vincent

    The test of a true poem, Stephen Vincent writes, is how not to die for it. How can a book that chills you to the bone — As Jack Spicer’s Language surely does — become a structuring, challenging, politicizing and even comforting recurring presence through forty years of a life lived under its spell? With a hard-won, contrarian patience, Vincent applies the test, and the hope he finds at the end is all the more convincing for the precarious-ness of the path it takes through the silent gap between No and One listens to poetry. —Peter Manson
  • $16.00

    Against Misanthropy: A Life In Poetry (2015-1998) by Eileen Tabios

    AGAINST MISANTHROPY presents her life as a self-educated poet—from, as a newbie poet, reading through all of the poetry books of her local Barnes and Noble as she scratched her head over what poetry is supposed to be … to more recently creating a poetry generator capable of making poems without additional authorial intervention. Along her journey, she also released about 30 poetry collections, two fiction books and four prose collections with the help of publishers in eight countries.
  • $16.00

    Alburnum of the Green and Living Tree by Lara Candland

    Lara Candland is the artist of a living word. Alone among us, she seems best to know the inward texture of a basket and the hastening green of April branches. Hers is an intimate universal, and in Alburnum of the Green and Living Tree this intimacy becomes the vivid pretext of many truths. Donald Revell
  • $16.00

    Alice Ages and Ages by Sarah White

    Sarah White’s variations inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Alice Through the Looking Glass manage to be at once serio-comic meditations on vanity and aging and joyful celebrations of language and the human imagination. —Stephen O’Connor
  • $16.00

    All Beautiful & Useless by C. Kubasta

    "I have long admired Kubasta's exploratory combination of citation, history, and autobiography in her texts. Her work is always exciting, sometimes even alarming. In her poems using the metaphor of the box, I'm reminded of Joseph Cornell, of course, but also of the great Serbian poet Vasko Popa. — John Matthias
  • $18.00

    All My Eggs Are Broken by Michael Basinski

    We have choosen to have no blurbs on this book. This supreme gift of the artist should draw you in, like the noose around the neck.
  • $16.00

    all the jawing jackdaw by Nava Fader

    Written as wovens by Nava Fader the elementals, magic, earth, air, fire and water are here collaborators in constellation with the elements of Adrienne Rich and Rimbaud. Her pure lines are a strong heart's beat and each instant in the writing is a cocktail of the sensual and the spell, that realm where poetry embraces this place as the poem in nuptials. I am so embraced and I enter the estate of love. —Michael Basinski
  • $16.00

    American Field Couches by Bill Freind

    Bill Freind is the author of An Anthology (housepress, 2000). His poems have appeared in journals such as 88, Aught, Can we have our ball back, Combo, Jacket, and Spaltung.   He lives near an abandoned golf course in South Jersey.
  • $22.00

    American Outrage by H. L. Hix


    American Outrage provides an innovative approach to the seemingly intractable problem of gun violence in the United States. Fresh and moving, yet cerebral and somber. At a time when powerful voices are most needed, H. L. Hix has answered the call.  — Louis Klarevas

  • $16.00

    An Anatomy Of The Night by Clayton Eshleman

    An Anatomy Of The Night by Clayton Eshleman is a magnificent new work by one of America’s foremost poets. In thirty-one parts written between December 2010 and February 2011, Eshleman’s long poem creates a choral effect that masterfully evokes fragments of candid observation shimmering in rhythmic intensity. In bold simplicities, illustrative sensibilities and lyrical integrity this work is imaginative, intimate and beautifully controlled. Hauntingly, these poems rip open the space of the long form poem and create something new and brilliant.
  • Quickview

    An Apparently Impossible Adventure by Laura Madeline Wiseman

    Laura Madeline Wiseman’s prose is razor-sharp, cutting through all the falsities we cling to, exposing us all hiding beneath the masks we wear, exposing our wounds, our wandering frailties, all that we sidestep, and most deeply, exposing the ‘mists that divide.’ An Apparently Impossible Adventure is a stunning read. —Karen Stefano