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Showing 469–480 of 510 results


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469-480 of 510 products

  • $16.00

    Trailers by Michael Basinski

    With Trailers, Michael Basinski engages in a Joycean celebration offloOwering. As he 'gave up and just repeated again and again singing softly, deeply with his eyes closed', the language bloomed past the letters, numerals, wingdings, webs and crickets into a dream language of the 'noise for active space.' — derek beaulieu
  • $18.00

    Transcendence by Charles Rammelkamp

    There are good trips and bad trips. And then there is Transcendence. In poem-narratives, Charles Rammelkamp explores the psychedelic movement in America through the voices of those transformed by —Jack Skelley
  • $16.00

    Transcendental Telemarketer by Beth Copeland

    Copeland’s Transcendental Telemarketer contains beautiful lyrics of emotion and meditation, but it also contains rants against war and violence, and all the while it swings us from the U.S. to Japan to Afghanistan, from Islam to Buddhism to Christianity It’s compelling, playful, and well-crafted. —William Allegrezza
  • $16.00

    translanations one by William R. Howe

    Dickinson said that it's poetry if you feel as though the top of your head were taken off. But what if it’s the whole head, down to the shoulders? (Insert Goya image of Saturn and child here.) Howe’s “translanations” are in one sense disfigurations—horrendous manglings that shock not just because of their audacity in taking such liberties with their source texts, but because of the glistening viscera they expose. —K. Silem Mohammad
  • $16.00

    Transversales by Michael Gessner

    The poems in Michael Gessner’s new collection, Transversales, are formally dazzling—incisive, witty, and smart—but compassion tempers linguistic brilliance. In a series set in Paris, for instance, a visit (against advice) to the “labyrinth of tented markets,” the now-dangerous Market of Seine-Saint-Denis, is punctuated dramatically by fragmented quotations from Victor Hugo’s diary kept during the siege of Paris (1871). Quite simply, I am hooked on this book. Gessner’s poems are glory. —Cynthia Hogue
  • $16.00

    Truth Game by Tom Clark

    "Very exciting... The poems have the 'now' sound of current experience; they enable one to see a little further into life as it's presently being lived." -- John Ashbery
  • $16.00

    Two Books on the Gas by Jared Schickling

    Schickling’s materiel-driven poetics mashes up a pre-ethicalized consciousness of the raw human reach for Life with the divination-pose of Fuel Speculation’s futurity e pluribus Unum. The “rational” to “irrational” spectrum of our present’s “present”, betrays an unspoken truth: the Republic of Fuel has, in fact, no sensate feel for time—at all. —Rodrigo Toscano
  • $16.00

    Two Dreams of the Afterlife by Kelly Bancroft

    The poems in Kelly Bancroft’s Two Dreams of the Afterlife are wild and beautiful as they create worlds from the ordinary made strange, and from the strange made predictable. The materials are everyday objects and events, especially our unavoidable deep connection to figures of popular culture (the Six Million Dollar Man, Wonder Woman, Hal the computer, and John Boy Walton). —Maggie Anderson
  • $16.00

    Übermütter’s Death Dance by Laura Hinton

    "There is no way to make sense of a senseless death, but in Übermütter's Death Dance, Laura Hinton engages the senses to stay alive and to find, if not meaning, then some sort of vital force in the midst of tragedy. Hinton’s heterogeneous yet unified collection combines the rhetoric of documentation and daily life with the lyricism of dreams, visions and ritual. The result is profound, moving and mercurial." —Joanna Fuhrma
  • $16.00

    Un storia by Steve Timm

    Steve Timm’s word spectrum is brave, unnerving, dazzling, commodious; with it he composes an elegantly minimalist poetics, humorously charted in one of the most satisfying TOCs I’ve read in a long time. Suggesting neo-Joycean abundance, it leads one instead to sculpted poems of unsparing leanness. —Joan Retallack
  • $16.00

    Un/Wired by Stephen Bett

    In this, his 18th book of poetry, internationally acclaimed Canadian poet Stephen Bett is back to working the sassy, edgy margins of social satire. Divided into four sections, this book opens with humor; turns to soft-edge and then to hard-edge, wicked, hilarious satire of our vapid monoculture; and concludes with a section of poems bringing in the angst of it all.
  • $18.00

    Uncertain Remains by Michael Boughn

    “Michael Boughn is a cross between John Donne and Attila the Hun.” —Billie Chernicoff