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Showing 121–132 of 502 results


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121-132 of 502 products

  • $16.00

    Drink Me by Mary Kasimor

    These poems are full of “voices coming from small places / an acorn.” The result is a startling reorientation in which language and meaning are embodied and re-imbibed: “wholly is a word/you can get your mouth a/round.” These poems are a brilliant and necessary tonic. —Jonathan Minto
  • $16.00

    DRIZZLE POCKET by Tim Roberts

    There’s an hallucinatory freedom to this tour-de-force of sustained imagination. It’s full of a freshness, an airiness, and at the same time a relentlessness that speaks to Roberts’s careful blending of compassion and determination. This is a book with a social, spiritual, and philosophical plan, and yet they’re handled so subtly that we’re not really aware of them until we put the book down, changed. Tim Roberts is doing something brand-new here—and doing it extremely well. —COLE SWENSEN

  • $18.00

    E P I L O G U E by Craig Watson, edited by Ted Pearson

    Epilogue is a brilliant collection of Craig Watson’s late-stage poetry. As such, it signals neither harmony nor resolution, but intransigence, difficulty, and unresolved conflict. This dazzling, posthumous work admits the reader into a shimmering, luminous present. —Kit Robinson
  • $16.00

    eaQ Oor by Andy Martrich

    Martrich presents an elusive autobiographical postcard of metadata alongside thickly painted and obscured image-alphabet-code, simultaneously and beautifully quotidian, inherited, catalogued, queried, found, and personal. —Mel Nichols

  • $16.00

    Echo Park by Christine Hamm

    From ""pink-spangled bikinis"" to ""your mother's stolen perfume,"" Christine Hamm's Echo Park is littered with the strange, sexy detritus of life, gorgeous life. —Kate Durbin
  • $22.00

    Ekstasis by Peter Valente and Kevin Killian

    Kevin Killian and Peter Valente’s haunting collaboration Ekstasis comes on like one of those dark dreams you can’t seem to shake – it’s memory and sensations still lingering long after you’ve awoken. —Michael Salerno, artist, filmmaker, and publisher.
  • $16.00

    Elemental Perceptions: A Panorama by Sophie Sills

    Its epigraph from Oppen (“The flaw, the gap which is the aware of being, tho it is within it.  The flaw on which being presses”) suggests the epistemological concern at the center of Sophie Sills’ Elemental Perceptions:  A Panorama:  seeing/hearing things and events in the world, how can we know what’s really ‘there’ – that being “with a pulse . . . without a heartbeat . . . [which] is unknown,” yet which seems to be “aware” of us, seems to “press” against us. —Stephen Ratcliffe

  • $16.00

    Embankments | Outtakes | Uppercuts by Richard Owens

    Embankments | Outtakes | Uppercuts brings together three discrete constellations of divers lyric constructions that testify with alacritas to the bullbaiting, cockfighting and bear beating of the present moment.
  • $18.00

    Emotional Support Peacock by Nada Gordon

    In spirit closer to the wild geese than the peacock, Nada Gordon brings together a panoply of voices, including the squawk, the screech, the whisper, the whistle, all of which come together—finally, ultimately—and in language both harsh and exciting, to announce our place in the family of things. One cannot but feel uplifted into the Rapture.—Diana Fisher
  • $22.00

    Endless Spectator, The Screens Suite by Jesse Damiani

    In an ironic twist, there are no spectators in Endless Spectator. The mere act of looking involves you, and just like on the internet, the act of looking can be transgressive, if not towards the content, but towards yourself. Through its visual bewilderment, Endless Spectator makes you realize that the cacophony of the internet is alive and pulsing, and you’ve already been consumed by it.
  • $16.00

    Eros & (Fill in the Blank) by Charles Freeland

    Charles Freeland’s poetic voice is that rarity of philosophical posits intertwined with a language of emotional accord.  Eros & (Fill in the Blank) contains poetry of invention, reinvention, musical decency drawing the reader into Freeland’s specialized poetic language. — Felino A. Soriano
  • $16.00

    Evening Train by Tom Clark

    In Evening Train we witness people on a bus, a window in the night, greenery, a bird on its perch—and then at the center of this world, something nameless seems to open. It’s hard to say just what happens, other than the words of each poem itself. But that isn’t quite right. It’s as if the words are a way for the poet to inscribe silence. You turn the page, wondering, and it arrives again—something quite beyond what is told. Tom Clark is a master. —Aram Saroyan